5 Tips On Keeping Employees Motivated at Work

Ken sevick


It’s one thing for staff to show up and work every day, but are they staying motivated while doing so?

Some business owners don’t realize that when motivation to work goes down, so does efficiency and quality of work. It’s one thing for staff to show up and work every day, but are they staying motivated while doing so? Some business owners don’t realize that when motivation to work goes down, so does efficiency and quality of work.

The good news is there are many different ways to keep employees motivated at work, which can be a win-win situation! Be sure to read below to get tips on keeping employees motivated at work.

Lead by example

This is true in almost any work setting. Employees follow the leadership in the business and act accordingly. If they notice a business owner has a sour attitude and is often in a bad mood, these traits will spill over into the other employees.

Be sure to greet employees with a smile and treat everyone with respect. For most, knowing their boss is in a good mood and is working hard alongside them will make all the difference.

Invest in the workplace

Many employees spend almost half of their day working in an office or at a desk. It’s important to not make the office seem gloomy. Investing in some decor, a new paint color, and even some fresh flowers is enough to spruce up the space in a cost-effective way.

Many employees will feel more comfortable in an office setting that has a fun and modern flare, as opposed to an outdated one with neutral colors and very few creative aspects.

Show your appreciation

Let’s face it – everyone likes to know they’re doing good at their job. It’s very important to show your employees that you appreciate their hard work. Acknowledging them face to face on a recent project or accomplishment will make all the difference.

For an added bonus, employees also love to be rewarded for their work, if possible. Rewards don’t have to be huge, either. It could simply be a gesture like getting lunch from their favorite restaurant, an extra day off or letting them leave early, or even filling their gas tank to save them on their commute. All of these gestures are a great way to emphasize that good work yields rewards, which keeps motivation to work high.

Get to know your employees

It may be overwhelming trying to pinpoint just what will give your employees the biggest motivation, since they are all different. It’s good to get to know your employees so you can make an educated guess on the matter.

For example, if you know a few of your employees have a sweet tooth – you can offer desserts for great work – or just an added bonus of working with your company!

Be willing to address concerns

Much like any friendship or relationship you have in your life, you have to be willing to address conflicts as they occur. This is the same for workplace issues.

Whether it’s between coworkers or just an aspect of the job, employees will always appreciate knowing their boss or manager is trying to work on a solution. For example, if one of your employees expresses they get sore or uncomfortable sitting for long periods of time, you may consider switching up their routine so they can spend more time on their feet!

Little changes such as these can go a long way in a business. For more questions about business coaching and keeping employees motivated, feel free to reach out below.

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