Recover, Renew, Relaunch

Ken sevick


It’s been since March 19th that we’ve been in some sort of shutdown to avoid spreading the Covid-19 Virus.


It’s been since March 19th that we’ve been in some sort of isolation to avoid spreading the Covid-19 Virus.  Although there are some businesses that are flourishing because of the crisis,  most  businesses continue to be challenged by the complete or partial shutdown.

As a business owner, you  have most likely gone through a number of different responses to the crisis ranging from shock and fear, to anger and acceptance.  Whatever stage you are in right now, as a leader, you need to start planning to recover, renew, and relaunch.

Most of us have accepted the fact that our world will be different when we transition out of this lockdown period. How prepared will you be when the doors are opened once again?

Now is the time to start preparing.

Recovery looks different by business. Most will be relooking at cash flow, marketing, systems, delivery, and people.  Sit with your coach and your team to map out your 90- Day game plan.

Renewal is largely about your communication.  How will you position and communicate the “new way of doing business” with your team and your customers.  This is a huge opportunity to rethink how you are perceived by your people, your customers , your vendors, and your community.

Relaunch is about your execution of reopening  the “new you”.  This should be what sets you apart and catapults you to your new profitability.

Over the next few weeks,  I hope you’ll join me as I break down these three areas into more detail and talk about specific action points that you can take to apply these to your business.

If you would like some FREE help during this crisis to walk through your 90-Day RRR plan, please don’t hesitate to give me a call, or share your information with me below!

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